Monday, October 12, 2009

Ahoy Sailor ;-)

Well it looks like in the blink of an eye I have two brand new pot sd's. It's interesting because they both bring something different to the table- and they are both inexperienced with this sort of thing and are excited to talk to me whether it's email or for me to call one of them at work. I did not meet either of them on SA...and I am actually to just cancel that account..besides Sunshine nothing good has come from that. The Boston crowd of men seem to be less wealthy than the rest of the other gentlemen i've been reading and seeing. However the nice thing is that throughout my dates with pot sd's they have been gracious to buy a great dinner and hand me cash even if I am not feeling it. So I guess there's a mix of gentlemen out there. There are a lot of Irish and Italian sd's here and they all seem to still have some charm left in 'em.

Mr Caribbean- he is quite enthusiastic and thrilled that I am a sane girl who has a lot of the same interests as him. He really wants a travel companion to the Caribbean in the Winter (which I adore) and is big on having a good time and smiling a lot. He sent me photos of the villa he rents in the winter and his own photos of him hanging out there. So I know he legit has been there LOL. He is in real estate and as a hobby and old job he sells wine to restaurants. He likes that I love to smile and says he wants to always see me happy (aka and I quote "I want to take care of you!") =) He is more than happy to buy me my halloween anything else I want LOL. The website sells all sorts of lingerie, costumes, stockings, undies, and stockings =) He is looking to buy all this by next week =)

As for the costume...the model here is the plus size model but I can't wear that size..the weird thing about me is that I have a small waist but a large bum so I have to get a size L..maybe XL oddly enough. I tried on a bunch of costumes at this place in Boston called Garment District and I tried the usual story book characters. The size XL was too loose in the waist for me and barely covers my butt. Granted that doesn't matter I'm going to wear nude undies and nude stockings. I have to be decently classy my sister is coming to visit hopefully! But that Thursday or Friday night Sunshine wants to go out with me...I tried convincing him to be lenny kravitz again cuz he can pull it off. So hot. I love lenny. <33

Gadget- he is a different character wants to first off purchase this for me ASAP..

Lol of all people I have not owned anything this hightech..never mind a toy that expensive..sunshine wanted to buy me a hitachi wand...but that thing looks like a floor least Gadget has some good taste..this baby will run him about 109 bucks...all in the name of sexual pleasure. Loves it.
Otherwise he is a little less about an allowance but all about shopping for clothing and other fun things. He love boots and told me he wants to go shopping specifically for cute boots that I can wear for any sort of occasion (Boston is FULL of scene girls who can't match as a side note it drives me crazy). He wants some high heeled boots and some cute colored flat ones. I told him that I need a couple new dressed for an upcoming photo shoot and he said we will go and look and he wants to get me something for that =)
He and I are meeting for lunch and coffee (since we are both addicted) a few stops away from my place on thursday before my class (thank god I dont have any homework due for that class that day) so I can skip out on the library and meet up with him then hike it back over to finish this paper due friday. ugh.

Actually speaking of school I need to finish this internship for the U.S. Department of State it's due wicked soon (nov 1) for summer internships. That and this cute boy in both of my international relations classes has been texting me all evening LOL. I caught him with a classmate earlier and I had to run off to class but he texted me and was like oh thanks for sticking around to talk with me lol I had that coffee that I owed you from the other night in my pocked lol lol. I responded of so if you brought the coffee then you were hoping to see me at the library today huh ;-) he wrote something in spanish and I went to (i'm nifty) and he wrote that I was very clever and possibly right that he was hoping to see me. then he wrote btw you looked adorable in your pink jacket...after that it's all flirty things back and forth..but yea..OH BOY! Here is goes! a boy my AGE! I almost forgot how to talk to them..hahaha

OH so I want to let you all know I have that photo shoot this weekend it's either going to be at boston commons (which would be VERY VERY COLD) so the photographer told me to bring a jacket for in between shoots...that's her number one choice spot since new england has pretty folliage now..but otherwise she has an indoor location that will work but I wouldn't wear such bright colors more solid black or something angelic she imagines. I'm excited she seems to have the same game plan that I do. I just need to figure out hair and such and I will be good to go!
I am still waiting to hear from that clothing company..they sent me an email that they have interviews this month AND a shoot at the end of the month.....I'm like how am I going to fit all of this in my schedule?! My check from the school comes back this friday so i'm set for rent and such from here on out so I dont have to worry as much! But I am still very focused on school and getting this modeling thing set up with this company so I can rake in some extra money.

In any case babies have a great week and I'll keep you all posted on the dates!


  1. HAHAHA Love this blog! I didn't expect to see your high tech toy. Very cute costume also!

  2. That sailor costume is so cute! <3
