Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Wearing yellow gives me good luck!

Ok I am in the library and SUPPOSED to be finishing this paper and submitting it...it was due 15 mintues ago haha. instead i'm blasting ACDC on my itunes in my eye phones and blogging... BUT I HAD to blog about my date while it's fresh ;-)

Went out on a whim with Gadget before I came downtown. We met in Newton and grabbed a little bite to eat and coffee. Now he warned me that he doesnt' dress up for work...but he had baggy jeans and a red sox t on..and a blue flannel zippie...wow casual is right......and i'm not a sox fan either..i'm over that part cuz mass is red sox nation. LOL. Anyways he and I sat down and grabbed something from this cute little shop in the center of town and he told me about his family and was nervous because he kept talking a LOT. h goes omg you are more gorgeous in person wow how did I get this lucky..it made me blush a lot. He is a def nerd and VERY plain and average looking. I'm not much into white guys to be honest. I wish so much that sunshine would be my sugar we have such good chemistry I smile when I think of him and the attraction is so strong. The difficult part about focusing on Gadget was that sunshine was texting me and so it made me compare my feelings for gadget versus my feelings for sunshine. It threw me off and it kinda showed like I wasn't interested towards the end of our little date. Its chilly so we went back to car he's a totally harmless guy I could put my blonde hair in a pony tail and whip some ass if he tried to do anything so I felt safe at least. He was concerned about my safety cuz he knew I am shopping around for a SD. so that was kinda nice of him to be like be careful call me if u ever feel scared blah blah. Anyways we went to his car sat and just chatted and he started touching my neck and feeling my hair. At this point I didn't even know what I wanted with him. If I kiss him I get the utopia vibe...that's what I kept thinking...so I let him kiss me and it turns out blah nothing to write home about at all. he likes forgot how to use his lips..it's like wtf ur pushing against my lips and whispering sweet nothings...and grabbing my hair. next thing you know his phone goes off and it's his WIFE calling. so he said hey do u wanna step out in case your phone goes off...so i'm like whatever I stand outside texting friends for a minute or two then he tells me he's all set and apologized. I was like I'd rather be hanging out with the ugly kid in the cafe right now. This is just bad. Well we kissed a few more times then I said I have to go sand he's like you're so beautiful please I want to see you again. I smile sweetly like I always do and give my line let's def chat it up and figure it out! haha works most of the time. Checked my paypal he hasn't put anymore money in my account yet. He put 50 in before the date then is gonna add either tonight or tomorrow at work for the vibe. We will see. I don't know how I feel about him.

I keep picturing Mr. Caribbean who emails me like I want to take you to the restaraunt you like next to the state house. (Ok it's called No. 9 park) it's this expensive place that I walk past every night after class. I have wanted to go since the first time I saw the place..so romantic and very expensive. Mr. Caribbean was like I know that place it is one of my fav's let's go and get some wine so I can show you how you will be living being my baby. Oh em gee...have I finally found sugar grail?! Stay tuned and I will tell you...once he is over his cold he is going to set up a dinner date. He said first date I simply want to chat and drink enjoy your beautiful company and just a kiss on the cheek. He goes no pressure good things come to patient sugar daddy's. I was like WOW this guy is just saying everything I want to hear. In any case once the date is set and if it's at No. 9 park I will be so excited!!. I told him I want the table nearest to the corner where there are three windows that give you a beautiful view of Boston Commons. He goes not a problem !

Can it be next week yet?!! AHHHH so excited for Mr. Caribbean!!

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